CT Breeder

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Tips For Getting A New Dog

Tips For Getting A New Dog was first published to ctbreeder.com

It is not easy to get over the heartbreak when your dog dies. No, the feeling does not go away quickly and easily. Even if you have a lot of dogs at home, a death of one dog is a sad thing to happen. It is worse if you only have one dog. Losing a […]

Thursday, January 11, 2018

The Facts: Mixed Breeds, Designer Dogs, And Purebreeds

The Facts: Mixed Breeds, Designer Dogs, And Purebreeds Find more on: ctbreeder

Dogs are man’s best friend. They keep you company and become happy when they see you. There are so many types of dogs. The demand for breeding dogs have increased. Sometimes, it is so hard to determine one from the other. When buying a puppy, it’s sometimes hard to know what kind they are. Still, […]